Meet the artist

Lauren Rogers-Martin

 “It’s an expression of love and all it’s beautiful facets. It goes deeper than the idea of a romantic love. It’s one that consumes you entirely and ignites your born passion love, one that will set you free.”\ – Lauren Rogers-Martin

Lauren’s artistic journey began in her childhood, fostering a passion that eventually led her to pursue Fine Art degree in 2009 at the University of Arts London, where she honed her skills and defined her signature style as an artist. In January 2019, she took the leap to share her works on a global platform, embracing collaborations with aspiring female talents looking to make their mark in the art world.

Drawing inspiration from a classical education and an affinity for traditional techniques, Lauren's artistic expression blends oils, mixed media, and digital illustration, resulting in a distinctive style that effortlessly navigates from sketch-like and diaphanous elements to bold brush strokes and vivid decisive colour solids.

For Lauren, art is an ever-evolving expression that transcends both the inner self and the external world. Her vision aims to create dynamic and impactful effects, blurring the lines between art and reality, inviting viewers into a dreamlike experience.

Press Releases

Lost Vanity Press Release 2022

Artist Profile

Artist’s Dairy


